Core Values
Safe environment, Christ-centered, Academic Excellence, and Affordable.
Safe Environment
Our school is a family and each GCA student’s safety is our highest priority. We have staffed security professionals on campus, cameras in all common areas throughout the campus, automatic locking exterior doors, and approved lock down policies in place to ensure your student has a safe environment in which to learn.
We are not ashamed of Jesus or His glorious Gospel at Galilean Christian Academy. The administration, faculty, and staff are all cross-bearing disciples, who teach a Christ-centered curriculum with the Bible being one of our core subjects. We also enjoy weekly chapel services to worship King Jesus and receive edification from His Word. It is our mission to train disciples to impact His Kingdom right now and in the future.
Academic Excellence
Starting early in each student's educational journey, the faculty and staff at GCA help encourage students to pursue God’s Will for either continued education or career readiness after graduation. Whether our students attend college or go straight into their career, we prepare them for college or career readiness and have a great relationship with local universities for dual credit opportunities, as well as local trade schools.
The Iced Caramel Macchiato is the best selling drink according to some recent statistics from Starbucks. This drink retails for $6.20 plus tax nationwide. If you add an extra shot of espresso, which is only $1.00, you will not only have a refreshing caffeinated drink, but will spend roughly the same amount of money as one day of tuition for your student at GCA. That's right! GCA is more affordable than your favorite cup of coffee per day, which is made possible by the grace of God and His provision through our awesome donors. This keeps our tuition expense much lower than the average tuition expense for private Christian schools in Kentucky. Instead of a tuition expense, our GCA Family considers it more of a tuition investment. For more information, visit our Admissions page.