
The Galilean Christian Academy has been educating children in a safe, Christ-centered environment since the mid 1980’s in the heart of the Mennonite community in Liberty, KY.  At that time, a Christian school was a necessity for the children staying at the Galilean Children’s Home, as Jerry and Sandy Tucker opened their hearts and their home to welcome abused and handicapped children from around the world, whom others did not want or were unable to care for.  Faith, hope, and room for one more was so much more than a motto - it was the Tuckers willingness to obediently accept the call of Jesus to love almost a thousand displaced children.  These children have come from throughout the United States, Korea, Afghanistan, El Salvador, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, and Haiti. Some needed immediate medical attention, but all received a home filled with love for a season and a family for life.  Whatever the need, Jesus used the Tuckers and the ministry of the Galilean Home to meet the need.

Presently, the Galilean Home is not housing children anymore.  Today, there are more than 35 permanent residents who live at the home with needs ranging from being completely bedridden to ones who need supervision. However, the Galilean Christian Academy (GCA) continued Jerry and Sandy’s vision of  providing a Christ-centered education to all children.  Currently, GCA gives the opportunity for students in Casey County and the surrounding counties to receive a quality, private Christian school education in a safe environment with more than 150 students enrolled from pre-school through grade 12 from five counties throughout South Central KY.  Yes, there’s still room for one more!